Paper powered bunny entertainment. Download and print out the parts of this Geneva stop powered model to see how rabbits while away their evenings.
Inside the box, you'll find a Geneva drive mechanism. This ingenious device is responsible for advancing the TV screen one image at a time. With each turn of the crank handle, the image wheel swiftly moves one quarter turn before pausing, keeping the image steady for the remainder of the crank's rotation. This stationary period is known as the 'dwell.' Geneva drives are a highly efficient method for rotating a wheel with a prolonged dwell time
.The cross part of the geneva drive is connected to an image wheel inside the box. The wheel has four images which line up with the hole in the TV screen. As the wheel is turned, the image is shown to the bunnies
You can make your own Bunny Vision project. You will find the full instructions for construction at where you can also download the parts file.
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