A new paper automata project for you to download and make! Crank the handle on the box side to make the cute dog scamper. Premium subscribers can download the pdf of the project at the foot of this newsletter, thank you for your support!
The pdf comes complete with all the parts ready to print out onto thin card as well as fully illustrated step by step instructions.
The way that the dog moves is a new mechanism. The body is made in three hinged sections with the legs fixed to the front and rear sections. As the body arches the legs stretch out.
A slider tube on the main push-rod is connected via paper straps to the front and rear sections letting the body arch. The crank is then connected the slider tube lifting it up and down and swinging the push rod back and forth making the dog leap.
I made the first draft of the project inside a closed box but had to cut the top away to allow the push-rod room to swing back and forth. By the third draft the box is gone and the stand is open ended and just there to hold the crank in place.
It’s been an interesting project to design and make. I reckon I can use the flexing body for a variety of other new designs and the swinging push-rod and slider tube has been an interesting way to use the crank mechanism. Look out for more new projects in the future!
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